Welcome to the AmeriCorps Technical Assistance (TA) Portal! The TA Portal allows AmeriCorps State and National grantees and subgrantees to submit requests for TA support in evaluation design and implementation. Topics could include:
  • Answering questions on evaluation design and approach
  • Providing feedback on evaluation materials and data collection tools
  • Advising on data collection and/or analysis procedures
  • Discussing approaches for identifying an external evaluator
  • Responding to questions related to the applicability and process for alternative evaluation approaches (AEA)
At this time, TA is being offered to the following grantees:
  • AmeriCorps State and National grantees and subgrantees with an evaluation requirement;
  • State Commissions that need assistance or are requesting assistance on behalf of their subgrantees; and
  • New competitive grantees that are in their first cycle of AmeriCorps funding and need assistance on a future evaluation plan.
TA requests may be submitted at any time during the grant cycle, are not limited by funding amount, and will not affect current or future awards.
If you have any questions about the AmeriCorps TA Portal, please contact us through the Contact Us page of the Portal or at AmeriCorpsEvaluationTA@norc.org.
If you submitted a TA request under the previous version of the Portal, you may also need to “Register” for a new account. Please click here to register for a new account:
If you already created a new account, please log in here:
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